No frack Coal Seam Gas? Its true!
Yes, actually CSG doesn’t need to be ‘fracked’ in many areas of Australia, and one of those is The Pilliga......
Fracking fracturing lives and the pipe dream for a better tomorrow
As crunch time approaches for our rural communities threatened by gas field exploration, aka fracking. David Smith, farmer, activist, and producer......
Environmental groups take the fight to SANTOS
SANTOS are pushing forward with their proposal to drill for coal seam gas in the New South Wales Pilliga State......
Northern Territory puts a hold on hydraulic fracking
The NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner today announced a moratorium on hydraulic fracking in the territory. Beginning today, the moratorium......
Has Victoria fracked its finances?
In a move welcomed by anti-fracking supporters and environmentalists, the Victorian government is introducing legislation to permanently ban the exploration......