A new nurse helpline available to Australians with epilepsy

A new nurse helpline is available for patients with epilepsy. Image by Army Research Laboratory

Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain that affects people of all ages, and there are 250,000 Australians with this condition. Epilepsy is a challenging condition to diagnose, and there are 40 types of the condition, making it more difficult to diagnose. Also, patients with epilepsy cannot reach their specialist as often as they wish.

The Australian government has committed to fund a specialised nurse helpline for Australians with epilepsy. It will guide patients and their families on how to take care and will give facts and guidance about lifestyle and issues with medication. The helpline will be available across Australia, and it will benefit Australians living in a regional or remote area too.

The helpline will be available 7 days a week from 9am to 5pm, and the service will be available too through email.

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