13 billion dollars spent and little-to-no return for Murray Darling basin

Image: shutterstock- Hypervision Creative

The 13 billion dollar Murray Darling Basin Plan has for the first time had research and reports into its effectiveness published, with dramatically underwhelming results now apparent.

Less than 25 percent of the 200’000 hectares of targeted wetlands in the rejuvenation effort received adequate controlled flooding from ‘environmental water diversion’, with a mere two percent receiving any over the 6 year life of the plan. The blocking of runoffs and the diversions by private farms, part of a failed agreement between bodies and owners, have highlighted the failure of the plan to address increasingly fragile ecosystems.

Head author of the research, ANU’s Prof. Jamie Pittcock comments that the results were ‘disappointing’ and pointed toward the NSW and Victorian governments general mismanagement of the basin over recent years.



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