My Health Record: What about Australians without internet access?
The opt-out date for the national online health system, My Health Record, is drawing closer, and rural health workers…
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2018 Fiji Election Prediction
Over the last four decades, Fiji’s government has had difficulty marinating stability, with coups occurring in 1987, 2000 and…
How Are Emojis Used To Spread Hate?
Emojis are an innocuous and fun part of digital communication. But the symbols, which can denote anything from emotions to…
Camels Under Spotlight at Arabian Beauty Pageants
In Australia, camels are regarded by some as a nuisance. On the Arabian Peninsula, the story is quite different.
Is it Peace or the Calm before the Storm for the Rohingya people?
The Rohingya people are facing a further uncertain future.
Although there have been progress in rectifying the source of conflict…