Bark Petitions and the Lineage of Indigenous Recognition
In 1963 four bark petitions were signed by representatives of the Yolngu people of Yirrkala that would be a landmark......
WA Premier apologises for incarceration and in situ burial of Indigenous Australians on Rottnest Island
A weeklong cultural ceremonies have come to a close on Wadjemup this week to acknowledge the Aboriginal men and boys......
Continued calls for QLD Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry as uncertainty remains
First Nations people and organisations from across the country continue calls for the new Queensland government to reverse their decision......
Reconciliation on Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia
Indigenous people across the world are pushing their governments to be listened to and to establish reconciliation paths for the......
Reconciliation Week Begins Today
National Reconciliation Week runs each year from May 27th to June 3rd, with the dates commemorating the successful 1967 referendum......
Local council drops acknowledgement of country
Supporters of reconciliation say a South Australian council’s decision to scrap its Acknowledgement to Country is a sign of growing......
Treaty critical to reconciliation: Thorpe
Following the no vote of last year’s Voice to Parliament referendum, the Federal government is still looking at reconciliation strategies......
Consultation started between Anglican Church and LGBTIQA+ members in Brisbane
The Anglican Church Southern Queensland will issue an apology to LGBTQIA+ people for harm caused by the church’s past attitude......
Why the No Case Won the Voice Referendum
In October the voice referendum to recognise indigenous people in the constitution and install a voice to parliament was defeated......
Reconciliation concert to inspire powerful conversation
A First Nations artist and his band is touring Queensland to promote reconciliation through music and history.Jon Vea Vea is......