Push for Pill Testing to be Introduced Nationwide
The push for drug-checking services has once again featured in headlines across Australia recently after the tragic deaths of two......
New Bill to ban junk food ads to kids
Dr Sophie Scamps the member for Mackellar introduced a new federal bill that would ban junk food advertising from 6am......
Implications of the QLD Government limiting rent rise
New legislation has been passed by the Queensland government putting a limit on the frequency that landlords can raise rent......
A Promising Compensation Scheme for the NSW Taxi Industry
After multiple deliberations for the last 7 years, the NSW Government’s final compensation offer of $905 millions has been accepted......
Politicians Debate Religious Discrimination Bill
As the likely May Election edges closer, Prime Minister Scott Morrison has put the religious discrimination bill on the agenda,......
ACT and NT want ‘Andrews Bill’ revoked to legalise VAD
Almost all states in Australia have legalised voluntary-assisted dying, with the exception of New South Wales who is debating the......
Queensland to table Voluntary Assisted Dying draft legislation
The proposed legislation to be tabled in parliament next week will allow eligible Queenslanders suffering from terminal illnesses to have......
The Future of The HSC
The HSC exams are just two weeks away and this year will be different as the current student are being......
Emergency powers need oversight
All jurisdictions in the nation passed emergency powers legislation to allow critical departments like Health, Police, Home Affairs and the......
New laws give transgender people gender choice on birth certificate
Tasmanians have joined Victoria, the Northern Territory, South Australia and Western Australia with a new legislation that allows transgender and......