breast cancer
McGrath Foundation helps more people – The SCG Pink Test
Cricket fans all know about the McGrath Foundation when everyone goes pink – this time at the SCG in the......
Medical negligence leading to women getting misdiagnosed breast cancer
A common test for Breast Cancer that women can get is a Triple Test that includes a Breast Exam, a......
Tragic loss: Labor MP Peta Murphy dies at 50
Labor MP Peta Murphy, has passed away from breast cancer at the age of 50, confirmed by Prime Minister Anthony......
Will Indigenous Women’s Health Get A Win This Budget?
Ahead of tomorrow night’s 2021 Federal Budget, Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has announced $350 million of funding towards women’s......
Breast cancer diagnosis down as people avoid testing
In March and April this year The McGrath Foundation recorded a 37% decrease in people being screened for breast cancer......
Honeybee Venom Kills Cancer Cells
A new potential treatment for breast cancer has emerged from a surprising place. Honeybee venom, according to research from the......
Cultural shawls offer modesty and confidence for breast screening
Hot pink breast screening vans are ready to roll through regional Victoria in a cultural outreach hoping to encourage more......
Tattooed nipples restore self-esteem for breast cancer survivors
After going through breast cancer, many women face self-confidence issues with the loss of their breasts. Tattoo artist Aleisha Gannon......
Facebook bans breast cancer awareness ads
Today Facebook stated that photos of topless women and a man, holding buns and rolls over their breasts as part......
New TAILORx study: no chemo for some breast cancer sufferers
One in eight Australian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 85. Whilst survival rates are......