Transcending Identities with Hayden Moon
Hayden Moon is a dancer, writer and passionate advocate for LGBTQIA, First Nations and disability issues. He recently spoke with......
Unregulated AI could have ‘devastating’ impact on Australian music industry, report finds
New research from Australia’s music rights organization, says unregulated Artificial Intelligence could have a potentially devastating impact on the Australian......
Federal Budget 2024-25: What’s in it for the Arts?
This year’s Federal Budget has seen a significant amount allocated in support the arts sector across Australia. Several initiatives within......
Splendour in The Grass 2024 cancelled
Splendour in The Grass 2024 has been cancelled as of midday, six days after tickets went on sale and two......
Perth Gets Ready for First Festival Season ‘Fossil-Free’
This month, two of Perth’s biggest arts and culture Festivals are preparing for what will be their first ‘fossil-free’ festival......
Greens Propose Artist Wage Programme
An opportunity to paint the town green. The COVID pandemic has worsened the precarious nature of employment in the creative......
New program for CALD communities to Tell Your Story
A new initiative in Western Australia called Tell Your Story is creating a safe, open, and inclusive space for culturally......
Theatre portrays the tragedy of Afghanistan
Showing now at the Adelaide Fringe Festival, Afghanistan is not Funny is British playwright Henry Naylor’s latest play which aims......
New platform launched for emerging artists in Brisbane
Sydney and Melbourne are well-established cities in Australia with a lot of artistic platforms for emerging artists. However, the same......
Victorian arts industry given false hope by incorrect roadmap
Victoria’s arts industry suffered another blow this week after an incorrect roadmap was published by the Victorian Government. The roadmap......