Image: Greens voting flyer by the Greens Party

An opportunity to paint the town green.

The COVID pandemic has worsened the precarious nature of employment in the creative industry. Job losses due to local and international lockdowns have deterred more young people from becoming involved.

Many emerging artists are finding that the ‘gig economy’ structure of the creative industry does not provide them with job security. Without a steady income to fund their pursuits, there is a potential to lose a generation’s worth of artists.

To combat this issue, the Greens party proposed an Artist’s wage scheme earlier this month, modeled off successful programs around the world. The Greens have experienced a record number of votes this federal election, which shows a desire for radical change from the Australian public.

Kate Saap asked the Greens Senator-elect for New South Wales, David Shoebridge, how the Greens party would decide who has access to the arts funding.

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