Russia orders ceasefire as Syria endures “Hell on Earth”


After seven years, the Syrian war continues to devastate the country. The latest region to come under grave fire is Eastern Ghouta, just outside of Damascus, with over 500 civilian causalities in the past week.

The UN Security Council has unanimously voted for a 30 day ceasefire in an attempt to evacuate civilians at risk.

UN chief Antonio Guterres said “Eastern Ghouta cannot wait. It is high time to stop this hell on earth.”

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Tuesday, February 27 2018
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Featured in storyAssociate Professor Mehmet Ozalp, Director of Islamic Studies at Charles Sturt UniversityForeign Minister Hon Julie Bishop MP Dr Alexey Muraviev, Associate Professor of National Security and Strategic Studies at Curtin UniversityJames Nichols, Director of Communications at Unicef Australia

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