Protests against weapons exhibition in Brisbane

Image by Samuel O'Brien - 4ZZZ

The Land Forces expo started this week in Brisbane, with hundreds of vendors and buyers in attendance.

The collective now is outside the exhibition protesting against the sales of military equipment, highlighting the human rights violations and negative community impact such as dealings promote.

Story produced with the assistance of Mack Prentis, Harrison Pedersen, Catherine Strohfeldt, and Alexis Pink from 4ZZZ. 

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Thursday, October 6 2022
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Featured in storyAunty Sue Coleman-Haseldine - Kokatha woman and Co-President of the Australian Nuclear Free AllianceUncle George Dimara - West Papuan resistance leaderDavid Shoebridge - Federal NSW Greens SenatorMax Chandler-Mather - Federal Member for Griffith

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