Image: 'cyber invadors' by CharlsTsevis on Flickr

The now defunct Australian satellite company NewSat Ltd was comprehensively hacked three years ago to the extent that all the systems had to be junked and rebuilt.

In 2011 the Defence Science Technology Organisation had been successfully infiltrated by hackers sponsored by China, but due to national security concerns, no further details are available as to the extent of the damage. This all comes on the back of the hack of the Australian Census just a few weeks ago and the infiltration of the Bureau of Meterology, and also of Austrade.

So what is going on, and do we have any defence against the cyber spooks and criminals?

Linton Besser interviewed by Nic Healey on Breakfast at 2SER.

The Breakfast segment was produced  by Brittany Andonovski & Charmaine Wong.

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Monday, August 29 2016
Produced By
Featured in storyLinton Besser, Investigative Journalist at Four CornersDr Suelette Dreyfus, Lecturer in the Department of Computing and Information Systems at the University of MelbourneAdjunct Professor Nigel Phair, Centre for Internet Studies, University of CanberraDarryl Peter, former IT manager NewSat Ltd

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