CERT, Australia’s Cybersecurity watchdog moves in on Brisbane

Image: CeBit Australia on Flickr

The Joint Cyber Security centre opened in Brisbane just before the weekend.  CERT, the Computer Emergency Response Team that has expanded its activities to include all forms of cybersecurity, is charged with protecting Australia’s interests against cyber warfare.

They will do this by being part of the government security shield network, and also liaising with corporates who have strategic importance to Australia’s defence, communications and economy.  This is part of the Governments strategy to deal with institutionalised hackers and cybercrime.

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Monday, February 27 2017
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Featured in storyProfessor Nigel Phair, University of CanberraHon Dan Tehan MP, Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC, Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Cyber Security, Minister for Defence Personnel

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