Aussie educator wants to teach kids about their noggin


Phil Dye the Brain Guy is the founder of Mindz Brainplay, Australia’s only brain education provider. Prior to COVID-19 restrictions, Mindz Brainplay travelled Australia providing brain education programs and allowed students and teachers to use EEG (electroencephalograph) headsets to show and explain brain function. Phil Dye and his team were forced to suspend educational services due to the ongoing pandemic.

Mr Dye has turned to Australian crowdfunding platform Pozible to help fund a 12-part STEM education video series called ‘The Noggin’. The campaign which focuses on brain health and education is aimed at students and teachers from grades kindergarten to grade 12. You can visit for more information about the campaign.

Other external education providers believe online STEM programs are invaluable during the pandemic. CEO of STEM Punks Michael Holmstrom believes it’s important to keep encouraging the next generation of innovators in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

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