Higher Education in Australia declining among young Australians

Image: Shutterstock - Matej Kastelic

As per the ABS data there is a decrease in the young Australians opting for higher education, instead, they are opting to work part-time or full-time. Although the trends are declining as of now,  there is a possibility for more and more Australians for opting for higher education.

The high living expenses and tuition fees have also contributed to the factors of the choices made by young Australians. Although Australia is a hub for international students, there is not much competition from international students to the citizens. As the government fund most of the universities in Australia, to continue to get funds more and more universities are encouraging Australians to enrol in undergraduate or postgraduate courses. Most of the Australians realise the value of higher education and go for further education in at some point in their lives. Most of the Australians are working part-time and studying part-time in because of the increasing living crises.

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