First Nations
Invasion Day Protests Receive Big Support Across Australia
Last week, First Nations communities and non-Indigenous Australians gathered at rallies nationwide to protest Invasion Day. It’s the first protest......
Cosmetics company supporting First Nations reforestation project
More than 60 thousand trees will be planted in Southwestern Australia with support from one of the world’s leading cosmetics......
First Nations children app for hearing receives WA’s funding
An app helping First Nations children to enhance their hearing and mental health has received $1.5 million dollars in funding......
Mechelle Turvey nominated for a human rights award
Tonight the Australian Human Rights Commission will announce the winner of their awards in Sydney, recognising the efforts of extraordinary......
Advocates urgently call to save the IPCS
The Institute of Postcolonial Studies (IPCS) is an independent organisation located in Melbourne, committed to advancing the recognition of cultural......
First Nations launched class actions against QLD government
First Nations parents and children have launched landmark class actions against the Queensland Government for alleged “systemic failure to reunite......
Project Tracker for First Nations renewable projects launched
First Nations communities are leading the way in renewable projects in Australia. This week, the First Nations Clean Energy Network......
Beetaloo Basin project emissions underestimated: report
A new report conducted by Climate Analytics found out the Beetaloo Basin fracking project’s emissions have been underestimated. The report......
New WA’s Aboriginal Cultural Heritage bill replaced
A bill to repeal Western Australia’s 2021 Aboriginal Cultural Heritage laws and replace them with an updated version of an......
Supply Nation bridges Indigenous businesses with industry
Indigenous-owned businesses are flourishing and becoming essential in many sectors. But sometimes getting supply from First Nations businesses is challenging......