Worries for homeless and ‘under the bridge’ mob as Covid 19 forces drop-in centre closure

No drop in for now at Sydney's Ozanam centre

The St Vincent de Paul Ozanam Centre in Sydney’s Woolloomoolloo area plays an important role for socially dislocated locals, including residents in the Matthew Talbot hostel and a group of rough sleepers known as the ‘Under the Bridge’ mob.  With face to face contact impossible at the moment the centre is trialling technological fixes as well as looking for opportunities to place members of their community in other forms of accommodation.

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Wednesday, April 1 2020
Produced By
Featured in storyLaura Frangelli, team leader, community engagement, St Vincent De Paul Ozanam CentreLes, resident Matthew Talbot HostelJenna Carew, Activities Coordinator, Health Services, Ozanam Leearning Centre

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