
The most deadly infectious disease in the world kills four thousand people a day, and it isn’t Ebola, or HIV. It’s tuberculosis, which kills twice as many people as HIV, despite it being completely curable. The problem is that medication is hard to access and drugs are often taken incorrectly, resulting in drug resistant strains of TB. The airborne disease is spreading fastest in The Asia Pacific Region, leading parliamentarians from around the world to gather in Sydney this week to pledge their commitment to challenge this health crisis.

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Tuesday, September 1 2015
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Featured in storyEloisa (Louie) Zepeda- Advocate from Institute on Disability and Public CultureDr Lucica Ditiu - Executive Secretary of the Stop TB PartnershipBlessina Kumar- Chair of Global Coalition of TB activistsOkky Asokwati- Member of The United Development Party & Nick Herbert- UK member of Parliament for Arundel and South Downs

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