Singapore government to loosen political speech restrictions online


The boundaries of political expression in Singapore are shifting, gradually at least. The nation’s mainstream media is directly or indirectly government controlled but the advent of the internet has provided a platform for a raft of alternative voices and dissenting political discussion. Unlike the more stringent constraints on the mainstream press, the Singapore government adopts a ‘light touch’ approach in regulating the internet. One that is going to get even ‘lighter’ as the current shackles on podcasts, vodcasts and election materials online during polling periods are set to be lifted.

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Tuesday, August 26 2008
Produced By Dilenjit Singh
Featured in storyRemy Choo – Co-founder of political blog The Online CitizenDr. Cherian George – Journalism professor at the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and author of Contentious Journalism and the Internet: Democratizing Discourse in Malaysia and Singapore Alex Au – Publisher of the blog YawningBread

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