Image: Courtesy RHD Australia

Rheumatic Fever or Rheumatic Heart disease has been a virtually eradicated in most western societies – but Australia still has this disease which affects children the most.

The reason is that it is still endemic in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities where health services are difficult to access and there is a lack of local knowledge of how to recognise when Rheumatic Heart Disease starts.

Just ahead of National Close the Gap Day Vicki Wade – Noongar woman, Director of RHD Australia and Dr Bo Remenyi – an expert in paediatric cardiology and 2018 NT Australian of the Year  – have come together to produce Take Heart: Deadly Heart. Both women feature in the film and are on the frontline in the battle to eliminate RHD.

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Tuesday, March 15 2022
Produced By
Featured in storyDr Bo Remenyi - an expert in Paediatric Cardiology and 2018 NT Australian of the YearVicki Wade – Noongar woman, Director of RHD Australia, Co-Director of Take Heart : Deadly Heart

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