Redsix – The App helping Australian Veterans Combat Mental Illness and Suicide


After returning home from two overseas deployments, Australian Army veteran Michael Handley battled post-traumatic stress disorder. Mr Handley saw the need for a 24/7 support network for veterans suffering from mental illness. Mr Handley developed Redsix, a free social networking app where former servicemen and women can form a community of ‘battle-buddies’ to aid in the fight against post-traumatic stress disorder and suicide.

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare statistics state between 2001 and 2017 there were 419 suicides in serving, reserve & ex-serving Australian Defence Force personnel who have served since 2001.

The Redsix app can be downloaded for free on Apple and Android devices by searching ‘Six*’ on your relevant app store. If you or anyone else is struggling with mental illness you can call Lifeline Australia on 13 11 14.

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