Queensland housing plan doesn’t go far enough says Qld Greens

Netta Finney

The Queensland government recently announced they would be partnering with St Vincent de Paul Queensland to build 147 new social houses in Toowoomba, Bundaberg and the Gold Coast. It will cost $71 million.

In a statement, the government said the project was part of a $5 billion investment to start building 13 000 social and affordable Queensland homes by 2027.

Queensland Greens housing spokesperson and MP Dr. Amy MacMahon told The Wire what she thought of the plan and discussed additional solutions to address the housing crisis.

The Wire reached out to Queensland Minister for Housing Meaghan Scanlon for comment, but she did not respond.


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  • your local Housing Service Centre during business hours
  • the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.
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