Pauline Hanson upset with Super providers but onside with Kristina Keneally

Shadow Immigration Minister Kristina Keneally is still getting a backlash from her calls for reduced immigration to help employment levels recover from the Coronavirus. But some support did come from Pauline Hanson who said she has been saying this for years.
She also was supportive of NZ PM Jacinda Ardern’s participation in the Australian National Cabinet today, and wants the AustNZ “Bubble” to progress, but only after Queensland and other states had been able to cut their COVID 19 restrictions on borders.
Senator Hanson was also critical of Super Funds who were being obstructive with people trying to get emergency access to super and warns against utilising PayDay Lenders during the COVID crisis.
The offices of Senator Keneally and Minister Coleman were both contacted for comment by The Wire, but both were unavailable up to the time of going to air.