Game Theory and COVID-19: How Australia might eradicate Coronavirus


Coronavirus continues to hold day-to-day Australian life hostage. Although social distancing and other measures are flattening the curve, if we stop now it could see a rebound in cases.

Aidan Moller speaks with Richard Holden, Professor of Economics at the University of New South Wales who says it’s crucial we not only flatten the curve but that we crush it completely.

Richard Holden’s article on the Conversation discusses the phenomenon of equilibrium in game theory. It’s a balancing act that involves just the right amount of rules like social distancing. Some commentators have dismissed the necessity of social distancing, but Holden warns the virus’s potential for exponential growth could see the infection rate “bounce back dramatically.”

Aidan Moller also spoke with the Grattan Institute’s Program Director Brendan Coates whose Conversation article speaks about how we might eradicate COVID-19, a possible outcome of continuing or strengthening current rules.

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