Construction industry watchdog given another run

Image:(Rae Allen on Flickr)

First up on the governments agenda as parliament resumed today was a reintroduction of the bill to resurrect the ABCC – to oversee the construction industry in the wake of the Dyson Heydon Royal Commission. Employment Minister Senator Michaelia Cash maintained that “compromises” should help it pass the Senate. Somewhat cross bencher Jacquie Lambie said she would be looking closely at the “secret” volume of the Royal Commission. The CFMEU’s Dave Noonan said it was all to pave the way for more WorkChoices.

Master Builders Association

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Tuesday, February 2 2016
Produced By Roderick Chambers
Featured in storyDave Noonan - President CFMEUHon. Christopher Pyne - Leader of the House and responsible minister in the HouseSenator Jacqui LambieWilhelm Harnisch - CEO Master Builders Association

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