Conflict in Palestinian Territories requires international focus: Reinhart


The Hamas-led Palestinian government remains unable or unwilling to form a government of unit with the Fatah party. Fatah is seen as more moderate and the move was aimed at breaking the international embargo that has seen the Palestinian government starved of food and money since Hamas was voted democratically into office earlier this year. The sticking point for the international community remains Hamas’ refusal to acknowledge the right of the state of Israel to exist. One visiting Israeli academic believes we must look beyond the obvious and acknowledge that the situation in Palestinians territories is a problem that will not go away, unless the International community provides enough support and pressure to force both sides to embrace peace. Professor Tanya Reinhart, Professor of Linguistics and Media Studies at Tel Aviv University and author of The Road Map to Nowhere, Israel/Palestine since 2003 discussed how most Israelis view the Gaza disengagement of 2005.

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