Calls to sign nuclear weapon ban treaty as devastating ‘black mist’ remembered 70 years on

Image: Public Domain

Content warning: please be aware the following contains reference to First Nations people that are now deceased.

The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is what most associate with nuclear weapons, but Yankunytjatjara woman, Karina Lester has a very different story.

70 years ago in 1953 – her late father – Yami Lester,  a boy at the time, was blinded by the flash from the nuclear weapons test at Emu Field.

Karina is a linguist, and has also spent her life campaigning to stop nuclear weapons, mostly through her work with the International Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons.

Seven decades on, and in commemoration of this year’s anniversary, ICAN is calling Australia to sign and ratify the UN Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. But, this conversation starts at the beginning…

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