Australia’s First Independent Lore Enforcement Officers

Image: Bruce Shillingsworth Jnr @buddyhillso

Indigenous lore is an integral part of kinship networks and influences all facets of life for Indigenous communities.

This weekend in a nationwide first, unarmed Lore Enforcement officers began operating in the Bourke and Enngonia region.

In consultations with elders, this entirely independent service is aiming to restore tribal lore to the traditional lands of the Muruwarri / Budjiti peoples.

After high tensions between police and the community during COVID 19 lockdowns earlier this year, the grassroots service hopes to restore connection to country and improve outcomes for the indigenous community of the Baaka river region.

Sophie Ellis spoke with Bruce Shillingsworth Jnr, Muruwarri/ Budjiti man and part of this new team.


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