Anti-protest laws under fire in SA

Major outcry has erupted amongst a number of human rights organisations and activist groups, as the South Australia Government tries to push through anti-protest laws.
However, Attorney-General, Kyam Maher said the Bill will be a deterrent to protestors causing harm, disruption and risk to others.
The anti-protest laws passed SA government’s lower house with support from the Opposition last Thursday, sparked by several days of environmental protests around a gas and oil conference in the state’s CBD last week.
A recent statement from the Labor Government acknowledges that peaceful public protests have remained a fundamental part of our democracy. However, it says there has been an apparent increase in civil disobedience, causing huge disruption to the general public and putting the safety of protestors and the public at risk, as well as hampering emergency services.
The SA Greens are now also seeking to refer the anti-protest Bill to Parliament’s Legislative Review Committee for a parliamentary enquiry.