Friday, 22 July 2011 Monday, 25 July 2011 Tuesday, 26 July 2011
‘Malaysian solution’ formalised as government signs swap deal
Australia and Malaysian officially signed a refugee swap deal in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon. Australia will send 800 asylum-seekers…
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Forestry peace deal signed in Tasmania
A peace deal between environmental groups and the timber industry could signal the end of the drawn-out dispute over…
Grief and shock after the massacre in Norway
Last Friday at least 93 people were killed when a bomb went of in Oslo and a shooting massacre took…
Chaotic decisions on asylum cases behind major unrest in detention centres
Meanwhile there is a high state of tension in detension centres in Northern Australia, with hunger strikes under way in…
Factor 50 approval misleading
Australians suffer more from skin cancer than anyone else in the world, and are keen to slip slop slap. But…